Heart Of Gold

Heart of Gold

For Sullivan’s 23rd birthday


Early Morning, before sunlight,

Opening my eyes,

Captured by your watercolor image;

Quiet and focused,

Gentle and loving,

Warm eyes gazing back at me;

Now I see your heart of gold


In your tie-dyed shirt,

Swirling with the colors of light.

Arms draped over legs,

Never giving up, never getting old,

Genuine colors forever bright;

I see you protected by your heart of gold.


My heart is on a journey to feel everything about you.

I hike to your rock,

I stand quietly in your room

I travel to the persimmon tree planted in your honor,

I search every picture for your smile,

You speak softly to my memory;

I hear your heart of gold.


Love and trust freely given to all,

From new moon to full moon,

Eyes shining through earthly darkness,

I feel your heart of gold.


Tie-dyed shirt, a swirling river,

Multicolors of flowing happiness,

Surrounding and protecting pure memories of genuine love;

Always and forever,

I remember your heart of gold.

About gburd1

Writing is who I am, not what I do. I have been cooking for over 30 years with bread being my overall strength. Food has played a part in everything I have done --- but writing has always been my core passion.
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2 Responses to Heart Of Gold

  1. Chris Kulish says:

    Glenn, So beautiful what you wrote about Sully. So touching. Thank you for sharing
    that. I think about you and your family so often. Much love, Chris Kulish

  2. Tim Tincknell says:

    I was hiking through Stover Park today with my “adopted” son, who is one of the most amazing young men I’ve ever met, when we came across the memorial to Sully. We were almost guided to it by an unseen hand. We were both touched by the beauty and true emotion that this memorial portrayed. Five minutes after getting home, I Google searched his name, and read about hislife and the circumstances of his tragic loss. He sounds like an amazing young man.I wish I had the honor of meeting Sully.

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